Note: This is an archived page of older versions. For the latest Oracle .NET and Visual Studio (Code) downloads, please visit the .NET Download Page.Important: The 32-bit Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio download is required for EntityFramework design-time features. The downloads that support Entity Framework deployment below do not contain design-time tools, only run-time support.
((FULL)) Download Odac 11G 64 Bit
If you downloaded Power BI Desktop from the Microsoft Store, you might be unable to connect to Oracle databases because of an Oracle driver issue. If you encounter this issue, the error message returned is: Object reference not set. This is an issue with how Oracle driver works in Windows UWP Apps. To address the issue, you have to do the following:
1) It'd be nice if I could know whether or not ODAC and ODT support above mentioned version of Visual Studio 2017 Community version or should I move into Visual Studio 2015s Enterprise Version. If the case is the latter one would be nice if you could provide me with a download link as Microsoft do not offer previous versions anymore.
Hi,I am trying to load data from oracle 11g to sql database.I am using VS 2010 to develop my SSIS package.I am not able to connect to oracle database. it seems that I am missing OLE DB provider for oracle.Can some one guide me what is the steps to download , install and configure the OLE DB provider for my SSIS package.There are so many sets of instruction you see on internet and difficult to decide which one is most accurate.Thanks in advance.
I finally figured it out! The 11g R1 32 bit client succeeded where the R2 client failed. I cleared out the existing installations, installed the 32 bit 11g R1 Oracle Client followed by the 64 bit 11g R2 Oracle Client. I considered doing R1 for both, but R1 requires a separate ODAC download to get the 64 bit OLE DB driver.
Now i have a hope that 64 bit (Ado.Net) drivers exist for 11g Oracle.. I did an exhaustive search and downloaded all that i found with x64 from the oracle site. If you can leak out your installation procedure and post installation steps it could help me to find where i went wrong.
I will leave it up to you to secure the software by either download from theirsite or media available via any licensing agreements you may have with Oracle. The important steps are outlined below. You only need the barest install ofthe client. Simply go ahead and select the InstantClient option from the openingdialog form and click Next.
A tip for people who cannot find the Oracle Client Software: dont go to whe Oracle Dowload Pages and look for the software in the list, even worse: the oracle search wont retrieve the downloads either!!! The best bet is to use Google an search for "Oracle 10g Release 2 64-bit client software". Among the search results I find "64-bit Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) for Windows", but they are only offered as "64-bit Oracle 10g Release 2 ODAC for Windows x64".
I am missing a readme with the files I downloaded, but the real pain is that I couldnt downlioad the "ODP.NET documentation" from the Oracle website... wow, and I hear everybody complaining about Microsoft, this is getting a real pain in the behind!
So I made a guess: I started a command prompt, changed directory to the downloaded and unzipped files and ran access_setup.bat A couple of DLLs were copied and I was asked to restart Jaws. Whatever Jaws is... I did not find anything useful on the first page of the search results, so I rebooted the server.So now I tried running the ODAC setup using command prompt... was a good idea for the access_setup... only to receive the same error...
2. I have tried to download just the client from Oracle and cannot get any thing you showed in your excellent post: That is, I can only obtain, it seems the Oracle DATABASE download for 10g and have no options for a client portion only. Searched quite a bit for the client and not getting there. I do NOT want to install another Database Oracle or otherwise. I also, understand I need to load that Client portion on the MS-SQL server that houses MS's instance I want to link to the Oracle instance.
The installation file can be downloaded from ODAC download page. In my case, I have downloaded from the 64-bit ODAC 12.2c Release 1 ( for Windows x64 section.
If you downloaded Power BI Desktop from the Microsoft Store, you might be unable to connect to Oracle databases because of an Oracle driver issue. If you encounter this issue, the error message returned is: Object reference not set. To address the issue, do one of these steps 2ff7e9595c