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Visual Studio 2017 Key: How to Activate Your Professional or Enterprise Edition

Writer's picture: holgotuacalvituagaholgotuacalvituaga

I have installed Visual Studio 2017 Professional with a product key.Now I would like to install VS 2017 Professional on a different machine. How can I retrieve the product key used in the first installation?

Visual studio 2017 key

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer>vswhere.exe Visual Studio Locator version 1.0.62 [query version] Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. installationName: VisualStudio/15.2.0+26430.16 installationPath: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community installationVersion: 15.0.26430.16

Warning: The warnings about the extension being potentially incompatible with VS 2017 weren't far off. I was happy to see the key map was available when I opened Tools -> Options ... Environment / Keyboard but when I went to my code I couldn't get it to go to the beginning or end of line. I had to remove the keyboard shortcut for Editor Select All and restart VS before it worked properly. There may be other caveats to using this extension so YMMV.

Visual Studio 2017 continues to support these settings, but now uses the RegLoadAppKey function to store registry keys in a private binary file under %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_ [id]\privateregistry.bin:

You can automate hive loading and unloading with the following VS2017PrivateRegistry.cmd batch file (close target Visual Studio 2017 instances with the background processes and then run the file with administrator rights):

If you do have multiple instances of VS 2017 installed (e.g. Community and Enterprise, or a general release and a preview) and want to find corresponding instance ids, you can use the Visual Studio Locator utility. Included with the installer as of Visual Studio 2017 version 15.2 and later at %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe:

If you want to quickly set a registry setting to a specific value, there is a simpler approach. A running Visual Studio 2017 instance not only loads registry keys with the RegLoadAppKey function from the privateregistry.bin file, but also redirects all registry operations under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0 key to the private registry. Code running in the Visual Studio 2017 process can use standard registry API to set these settings:

I'm trying to get an App Vol of Visual Studio 2017 installed and the only issue I have is with licensing. The guide states that after the AppVol is built, the user should be able to launch the app and insert the serial; however, 'unlock with serial' is never given as an option to the user.

If the Visual Studio 2017 installer isn't able to properly update your existing version (and specifically if you have an older RC release), then you can try the following steps to clear the slate before attempting a fresh install :

Visual Studio 2017 lack a proper internal terminal. The Command Line extension has been a good substitute, but it opens up in a separate window. If you work with multiple Visual Studio at the same time, you loose track of which command window belongs to which Visual Studio instance.

Git remains a growing, if not an essential part of most developer's toolkits, and making its myriad of features accessible is an important part of any modern IDE. In Visual Studio 2017, Microsoft has expanded the number of Git features available to developers from its UI rather than having to resort to using Git from the command line.

Included among the new features is SSH support for VS2017's Git client. Microsoft's Kayla Ngan observes that this is possible thanks to VS2017 switching to using git.exe to provide its Git support. Previously, Git support under Visual Studio required https to be configured on the server hosting the repository which limited accessibility. Unfortunately, full SSH support remains incomplete because one cannot clone a repository via SSH from within the IDE. Instead, the repository has to be cloned from Visual Studio's Developer Command Prompt, after which the repository is pushed/pulled/etc. as needed. Ngan says that the ability to clone from within the IDE will be added in a future update (note that this does affect the cloning of Git repositories via https).

Viewing and comparing the diffs is easier in VS2017. A summary of outgoing commits is visible from the Sync page. Added to this is the ability to view the Local History of the commits for your repository and compare two different diffs with the Compare Commits context menu option.

Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 offers a new installation experience. The minimum installation is under 500MB, it installs and updates within minutes, and it uninstalls cleanly. You get basic code editing support for more than 20 languages along with debugging and source code control capabilities. You can also optionally add support for 17 different development workloads and related features.

Visual Studio 2017 Test Professional:VG622-NKFP4-GTWPH-XB2JJ-JFHVFVisual Studio 2017 Professional:KBJFW-NXHK6-W4WJM-CRMQB-G3CDH4F3PR-NFKDB-8HFP7-9WXGY-K77T7Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise:NJVYC-BMHX2-G77MM-4XJMR-6Q8QFN2VYX-9VR2K-T733M-MWD9X-KQCDF

I need to detect which machines of ours have Vistual Studio C++ 2017 installed. It looks like the minimum version of that should be 14.13. 26020 and based on patches installed, the minor and build numbers go up from there.What would the relevance look like to detect that minimum version or higher from:

Looking into this further, the versions of Visual Studio C++ on our machines are all over the place. We are attempting to install a call recording application that requires version 2015 x86 and x64 or earlier. We have some machines in the organization with this but also some that have 2017, 2019 and some with the combined version of 2015-2019.Trying to find a dynamic way to detect the higher versions and then remove them and install 2015. Thoughts?

To sum up1) you need to specify the full path for the response.json file2) you need to run the visual studio install from a script, as it FAILS if you try have MDT run the install directly itself.

The error message appears to clearly indicate what the problem is. Have you tried radically reducing the number of characters in the offline folder path, for example, by creating it in c:\VS2017offline?

Visual Studio .NET 2003 shipped in five editions: Academic, Standard, Professional, Enterprise Developer, and Enterprise Architect. The Visual Studio .NET 2003 Enterprise Architect edition includes an implementation of Microsoft Visio 2002's modeling technologies, including tools for creating Unified Modeling Language-based visual representations of an application's architecture, and an object-role modeling (ORM) and logical database-modeling solution. "Enterprise Templates" were also introduced, to help larger development teams standardize coding styles and enforce policies around component usage and property settings.

Visual Studio 2008 is focused on development of Windows Vista, 2007 Office system, and Web applications. For visual design, a new Windows Presentation Foundation visual designer and a new HTML/CSS editor influenced by Microsoft Expression Web are included. J# is not included. Visual Studio 2008 requires .NET 3.5 Framework and by default configures compiled assemblies to run on .NET Framework 3.5, but it also supports multi-targeting which lets the developers choose which version of the .NET Framework (out of 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, Silverlight CoreCLR or .NET Compact Framework) the assembly runs on. Visual Studio 2008 also includes new code analysis tools, including the new Code Metrics tool (only in Team Edition and Team Suite Edition).[142] For Visual C++, Visual Studio adds a new version of Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC 9.0) that adds support for the visual styles and UI controls introduced with Windows Vista.[143] For native and managed code interoperability, Visual C++ introduces the STL/CLR, which is a port of the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) containers and algorithms to managed code. STL/CLR defines STL-like containers, iterators and algorithms that work on C++/CLI managed objects.[144][145]

Visual Studio 2010 comes with .NET Framework 4 and supports developing applications targeting Windows 7.[154] It supports IBM Db2 and Oracle databases, in addition to Microsoft SQL Server.[154] It has integrated support for developing Microsoft Silverlight applications, including an interactive designer.[154] Visual Studio 2010 offers several tools to make parallel programming simpler: in addition to the Parallel Extensions for the .NET Framework and the Parallel Patterns Library for native code, Visual Studio 2010 includes tools for debugging parallel applications. The new tools allow the visualization of parallel Tasks and their runtime stacks.[157] Tools for profiling parallel applications can be used for visualization of thread wait-times and thread migrations across processor cores.[158] Intel and Microsoft have jointly pledged support for a new Concurrency Runtime in Visual Studio 2010[159]and Intel has launched parallelism support in Parallel Studio as an add-on for Visual Studio.[160]

The final release of Visual Studio 2013 became available for download on October 17, 2013, along with .NET 4.5.1.[190] Visual Studio 2013 officially launched on November 13, 2013, at a virtual launch event keynoted by S. Somasegar and hosted on[191] "Visual Studio 2013 Update 1" (Visual Studio 2013.1) was released on January 20, 2014.[192]Visual Studio 2013.1 is a targeted update that addresses some key areas of customer feedback.[193]"Visual Studio 2013 Update 2" (Visual Studio 2013.2) was released on May 12, 2014.[194]Visual Studio 2013 Update 3 was released on August 4, 2014. With this update, Visual Studio provides an option to disable the all-caps menus, which was introduced in VS2012.[195]"Visual Studio 2013 Update 4" (Visual Studio 2013.4) was released on November 12, 2014.[196]"Visual Studio 2013 Update 5" (Visual Studio 2013.5) was released on July 20, 2015.[197] 2ff7e9595c

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